Please support the Upakar Re-Wrap Saree event on March 9, 12-5pm.

How to support this event? Donate sarees, tell your friends and family, buy sarees.

There are currently 3 donation drop off events (more may be added):
January 26, 3-5pm Eggmania in Gaithersburg
February 3, 11:30-1pm North Potomac Community Center
February 5, 12-2pm Locally Crafted Workshop in Rio Washingtonian, Gaithersburg

We are also looking for 3-5 vendors at this event. Please contact us at if interested. Please note the focus is on sustainability and original design or produced items. No commercially produced items.

New and lightly used sarees only (no stained or damaged sarees please). Any material or style. It is a great time to clear out your closet and buy what you really will enjoy.

All proceeds benefit Upakar Foundation, an IRS recognized 501(c)3 organization.


Re-Wrap - Give your sarees a new story.